By Gabe Farias, For Local Community News

When I was asked to pen this initial piece on the beautiful section of land just south of downtown, it was about two months ago. Thoughts started racing through my mind on the wonder that is the South Side.

Why do I love the South Side? I was born and raised here and moved away just after college. I returned here almost 10 years ago and have enjoyed every second of no traffic jams, incredible food, great schools and fantastic new opportunities.

But, I still wondered to myself as I prepared for this assignment — why do I love the South Side?

Then something I never imagined would ever happen, happened. My beautiful mother passed away. Angela Marie Farias was more than a strong, beautiful force of a woman who, along with my wonderful father, Joe, raised four sons and built a family. She proved to be everything that is good and great about the South Side.

This column is dedicated to her, as I can’t think of a more fitting way to talk about the part of Texas I love more than through the eyes of a woman who too dearly loved her south San Antonio.

Angie Farias cherished her South Side community. From Shrine Avenue to Southcross Boulevard, from Zarzamora Street to Goliad Road, there wasn’t a part of the South Side she didn’t love, as she recognized something special in each section of this great community.

Angie loved her McCollum High School.

Most residents who graduated from area high schools – from Harlandale to Highlands to Southwest to South Side and other South Side area campuses — treasure their time at these institutions, and they have enormous pride in their alma maters. But if you asked Angie, she would vociferously argue it’s a good idea for mamas to let their babies grow up to be Cowboys.

Angie loved her South Side politics. What most outside of this area see as a theater of the dysfunctional, she viewed as the beauty of public service. And although there are always a few bad apples in a bundle, Angie loved those who truly cared for and served their community.

Although there have been some great ones to serve, her favorite public servant was her husband, retired state Rep. Joe Farias.

Joe was always quick to say he would not have been the servant he turned out to be had it have not been for the love and support of Angie. He also liked to say that she was probably worth more votes than he was.

What I love most about the South Side is that Angie Farias is not an anomaly. There are plenty of great men and great women in the South Side making our community stronger and more beautiful each and every day.

What I love most about the South Side is the people.

Farias is a longtime South Side resident, a family man, a businessman and active in his community.

Article originally published here: Gabe Farias: Why I love the South Side