The ‘Season of Giving’ is usually associated with Christmastime. Luckily, there’s another lesser-known holiday that prompts the spirit of giving in another time of the year. July 15th is ‘National Give Something Away Day.’ San Antonio is a city full of neighbors who love to give back, and Brooks has plenty of resources to give back to their community and the surrounding south side.

‘National Give Something Away Day’ was established in 2015 with the aim that people would give freely without expecting anything in return. Linda Eaton Hall-Fulcher, self-proclaimed giver and the creator of the national day, says that this day is for those who care. Giving is commonly associated with giving back to the community, which is a great way to participate, but this day can be dedicated to giving to friends, family, partners, coworkers, or anyone else in one’s life that they wish to show gratitude towards.

If you may think you don’t have anything to give away, think again. According to National Today, the average American household has 300,000 items in it, and Americans spend an annual $1.2 trillion on nonessential goods. Children’s toys that have been outgrown, clothes that are out of your style, kitchenware that’s been collecting dust in a cabinet: all eligible items that could be put to good use in someone else’s hands.


The San Antonio Family Violence Prevention Services is always accepting gently used infant and children’s clothes that your child has outgrown. This organization proudly offers life-changing services to children who are seeking a safe haven from family abuse they’ve suffered. By giving each recipient the donations they need, they can have the opportunity to get back on their feet after their trauma.

You can find a full list of everything the donation center is accepting on their website.


Furry friends are also included in the list of potential recipients on July 15th. The San Antonio Humane Society has a Spay and Neuter Clinic on Brooks’ campus. From basic wellness checks and spay and neuter services, the humane society is happy to give your pet the care it needs.

There are several ways to give include monetary donations, third-party fundraisers, and an Amazon wishlist.


If you don’t have any items to part with, there are other ways to give. Located minutes from the hospital on the Brooks campus, the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center is always happy to accept potentially life-changing donations.

To find out if you are eligible to donate, visit the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center website.


The San Antonio Food Bank is always looking for those willing to volunteer to help in their warehouses, gardens, farms and community kitchens to help prepare and distribute food to the hungry.

Meals on Wheels is another food distribution service that continually seeks volunteers. There are almost 5,000 homebound seniors on the south side that are in need of meals, and this service is in search of drivers to deliver them.

Resource Links:

SA Family Violence Prevention Services:

Animal Defense League of Texas:

South Texas Blood & Tissue Center:

San Antonio Food Bank:

Meals on Wheels:

Bexar County Family Justice Center:

Brooks Gives Back:

While giving back to our community is top of mind when giving things away, don’t forget a simple “I love you” text or high five around the office could brighten someone’s day. Give your partner a compliment, give your mom a call, give a stranger a smile. Who says there has to be just one ‘season’ of giving? Happy National Give Something Away Day!